Samoa Airport Authority
Request for Information – Public Private Partnership
1. Government of Samoa through the Samoa Airport Authority (SAA) wishes to invite interested parties to participate in a Request for Information (RFI) aiming at obtaining information shaping an envisaged Public Private Partnership (PPP) project at the Faleolo International Airport in Upolu.
2. SAA invites interested parties to provide information on how they intend to partner with the SAA and whether they are interested in either the aeronautical, non-aeronautical services or both. The information and understanding obtained in the RFI shall be used by SAA in the structuring of the subsequent bidding process of the Project. The RFI document and further information can be obtained from the SAA website (and also at this link).
3. Completed RFIs must be addressed and delivered to the address below, on or before 4pm, Friday, 28th June 2019.
General Manager
Samoa Airport Authority
“PPP Request for information (RFI)”
4. For further information and clarification please contact:
Savaiinaea Ringo Jensen
AGM Finance and Commercial
Phone: 685 23201
Tagaloasa Sala Uili Matafeo
AGM HR and Support Services
Phone: 685 23201